
Course Updated

Moving Exams and Coursework Online

Something we have been conceptualizing and working on for the past 10 years is the means to implement good instruction online. The original training was accomplished through direct study and seminars. Then through Kathy’s ownership the training was accomplished mostly through correspondence course. With the demand at an all-time high for quality instruction and keeping the convenience of at home study we have devised an interactive method to combine written, audio, video and in person training remotely!

You can find our current courses and curriculum through our classes and events page here.

Our correspondence course is still the process but we have eliminated the course book in favor of online testing and evaluation.

You get 3 hours of 1 on 1 interpretation on your own case from a practitioner 5 books and access and training of our Interpretation website.

Students and graduates also get extended training discounts and other benefits and perks with access to our training institute.

We hope this method opens up the learning structure to a larger audience but are willing to work with students on a case by case basis regarding training and exams.

More to follow soon!

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