The Promethion : A comprehensive study of the principles of life energy (Authored by Joseph R. Scogna Jr. | 2nd Edition Edited and Compiled by Kathy M. Scogna | Edition: 2nd)
In this classic tome, Scogna brings together the natural philosophy of the ancient Greeks, Eastern thought and quantum physics. He has reunited physical alchemy (chemistry) with spiritual alchemy by giving a voice and personality to the Elements. This is a hardcover, heavily illustrated, professional textbook. Scogna explains how we measure Life Energy through the pressure senses of sight, sound, taste, smell, touch and the expanded tactile sense. He describes how electric pressure changes, the sun and the cycle of life energy, and yin and yang as symbols of positive and negative balance. Detailed explanations are given for the lists of elemental pairs used for healing, switch terminals, the secret of electric communication between organs and glands, and what occurs in the body with heavy metal war and magnetism. Much of the textbook is devoted to an in-depth study of the 64 electric pressure levels (the elements of the Periodic Table). Information is presented for spotting an imbalance, in what products the chemical can be found, and how to bring about balance with frequency, color, specific pressure points, homeopathic remedies, herbs, vitamins and minerals.
Publication Date: 2nd Edition May 1, 2003
ISBN10/EAN13: 0965229262 / 978-0965229265
Binding Type: Hard Cover
Trim Size: 8 x 10 x 2 inches
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Related Categories: Body, Mind & Spirit / Healing / Text Book
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